Just wanted to let you know that the Restaurant Review feature that I've been working on has been resolved.
I've added a page called "My 'Safe' Restaurants" available at the top menu bar. It's different from my regular Restaurant Reviews in that the restaurant reviews are just reviews of places where I've eaten and my experience both good, bad, and ugly.
"My 'Safe' Restaurants" are places where I have either eaten once and not gotten sick or have eaten there many times and have never gotten sick. My intention is just a place to state facts and compliment safe gluten-free restaurants. It comes with the disclaimer that these are just places that I've found to be safe for me; Celiac and wheat sensitivities are multi-faceted so each individual needs to weight their own facts and take their own risks.
Anyway, hope you enjoy and can use it as a tool for making your own choice about where to eat tonight!
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