Babycakes NYC is a vegan and mostly gluten-free bakery that originated in, of course NYC, and many people have been eagerly awaiting the release of their trade secrets.
While the recipes themselves don't seem very challenging to execute the ingredients might seem costly. So costly that I have to squeeze them into my weekly grocery budget little by little. But I think that it's worth it for the peace of mind knowing exactly what you're eating and not feeling guilty about it.
For example, the book has a yummy sounding vanilla frosting recipe. I can't tell you how long I've been looking for a frosting recipe that didn't include vats of butter and pounds of sugar!
One of the recipes I am most excited about making from this cookbook is the sandwich cookie! (That's why I'm so happy about the frosting!)
For so long I've wanted to recreate a gluten-free version of the Dinky Doozies and Double Doozies of my childhood.

I have such fond memories of this goodie. Whenever my sister and I would go to the mall with my mother we'd usually be allowed one treat from the cookie place. We almost always got a Dinky Doozie or a Double Doozie, depending on what they had available.
In my mind it was THE best choice since it was TWO cookies PLUS frosting! The most bang for our buck that couldn't be beat, in my opinion.
If we got the bigger Double Doozie, we were only allowed to eat half in one sitting and save half for the another time. If we got Dinky Doozies, which were smaller, we were allowed to eat the whole thing; sometimes we lucked out and got two Dinky Doozies, but again, could only eat one in that sitting.
Anyway, can't wait to eat a gluten-free and healthier version of my favorite childhood cookie!
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