I just ran across this fascinating yet startling article.
It's about 5 years old but this information is new to me and I thought I'd pass it along.
Having one auto immune disease makes you susceptible to having others so it shouldn't be as surprising to me, because yes, diabetes is also and auto immune disease.
I also have to wonder if diet can play a part in this. If you are gluten intolerant chances are you have to resort to alternatives like rice. And among the mixes, pastas, and breads I've come across, most of them are made of white rice. As a pure starch, it raises your blood sugar, even if you're not diabetic.
If you are diabetic you probably already know that white rice isn't the best for you anyway; among the lower glycemic rices for diabetics are brown or basmati (jasmine) rice.
Well take this as a friendly notice that as a gluten intolerant you already have one strike against you, meaning one auto immune disease, so you have to make an extra effort to eat right.
For one thing we all have to remember that while these sorts of diseases are epidemics right now, they are almost entirely preventable. That means that eating right and maintaining healthy weight, whether we are gluten free and healthy or not. That old adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure comes to mind. Why set yourself up for a lifetime of medicine when you can prevent the illness to begin with?
Remember to always add more diversity to your grains such as quinoa, brown rice or buckwheat. Even though white rice flour mixes and recipes are usually easier, don't forget about all the other amazing flours and recipes out there that you can experiment with too!
Also keep in mind that other starches, like potatos and yams, are still good for you and a good source of fiber as long as they are not smothered in fats and sugars or overly seasoned with salt.
That's it, no kids for me.
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