I didn't know much about him other than that he sold this really awsome juicer I've always wanted and that he was a fitness/health nut.
Maybe I just really miss my grandpa but he looks like a cute very-proud-of-himself little old man here doesn't he?

What little I do know though is that he is credited with many contributions to fitness and health, among them popularizing weightlifting for everyone not just body builders, emphasizing activity for both sexes and all ages, combining fitness with nutrition and one I particularly remember is his emphasizing that you have to count calories to lose weight.
I always wondered how old he'd be when he passed and while 96 is a pretty generous age I always thought he'd live to pass 100.
Just goes to show you, you never know. Fitness and nutrition helps but as my doctor once said, life's a crapshoot and you just never know.
I still really want that juicer and I considered registering for it for my wedding but it's really expensive. It's one of those investments in your health that's probably worth its weight... if you really use it daily.
Meanwhile a girl can always dream that if she ever got it she really would use it every day.

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