Elizabeth Hasselbeck is probably one of the most vocal celebrities out there concerning gluten-free thanks to her show. If you are new to the gluten-free lifestyle a book that will help you in getting started is The G-Free Diet.

My husband gave me the book back when we were dating, when it first came out and I was still struggling at times to get my food intake under control.
This book helped open my eyes to exactly how much gluten is out there, particularly in beauty products not just food!
It's an easy factor to over look but unfortunately even skin contact with gluten either in food or in products can cause those of us with sensitivities to break out, even if we didn't have the dermatitis herpetiformis version of gluten intolerance.
This book is also a good read in that it has practical tips for dealing with social issues that can concern those with gluten-intolerance, such as eating out, dinner parties, and social activities with your gluten-intolerant child.
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