So you've tuned in to Steps 1 and 2 for natural hair care. You've done everything considered necessary. What's next?
Well my third and final recommendation is to switch your conventional shampoo for something natural, organic, and if necessary for you, gluten free. Yes there are gluten free shampoos! This is especially important if have dermatitis herperiformis and any kind of sensitive skin.
Well my third and final recommendation is to switch your conventional shampoo for something natural, organic, and if necessary for you, gluten free. Yes there are gluten free shampoos! This is especially important if have dermatitis herperiformis and any kind of sensitive skin.
Conventional shampoos have chemicals like parabens and while the verdict is still out as to the effect these chemicals have, why settle for those when there are natural and less irritating products?
Do you really want to use a harsh, full strength chemical on something as sensitive and absorbent as your skin?
True, natural shampoos don't lather as well as conventional ones. But if you think of it, suds don't mean a product works better. Maybe all those suds are just distracting us from the real quality of the product, and if we really stopped to inspect them maybe we'd find that they don't work as well as they advertise.
And it's also true that natural shampoos are more expensive than conventional ones. But if you have learned to lather and rinse properly, you'll probably find that you use your shampoo and conditioner more efficiently. And that's certainly better than a cheaper product of inferior quality and having to use more of it because it doesn't work as well.
Do you really want to use a harsh, full strength chemical on something as sensitive and absorbent as your skin?
True, natural shampoos don't lather as well as conventional ones. But if you think of it, suds don't mean a product works better. Maybe all those suds are just distracting us from the real quality of the product, and if we really stopped to inspect them maybe we'd find that they don't work as well as they advertise.
And it's also true that natural shampoos are more expensive than conventional ones. But if you have learned to lather and rinse properly, you'll probably find that you use your shampoo and conditioner more efficiently. And that's certainly better than a cheaper product of inferior quality and having to use more of it because it doesn't work as well.
Remember that at one time things like mercury, lead, and asbestos were considered benign and were used in medical treatments, face powder, and in products in our home!
So these are my recommendations for natural hair care from the outside.
For more information on hair care from the nutritional "inside" aspect, click on the source link above in any of these three posts.
So these are my recommendations for natural hair care from the outside.
For more information on hair care from the nutritional "inside" aspect, click on the source link above in any of these three posts.
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